Sunday, September 11, 2016

Meet Eloise!

Meet Eloise!

She is Eloise. And She is Six.
She lives at the Plaza and absolutely loves it.
And should you find yourself at the Plaza one day,
you may find yourself in Eloise's way.
But don't dilly dally, or hesitate to say "hello,"
for Eloise
has become one of New York City's most
beloved pop culture icons
that you should get to know.

She's had adventures in Paris, and Moscow,
for she likes to travel and she always knows how
to make a splawsh when she takes a bawth.
Christmastime at the Plaza is
Eloise's favorite time of the year,
The Plaza is bustling with frenetic cheer;
And there are a lot of things to be done,
OF COURSE this doesn't bother Eloise,
it's a perfect excuse for her have lots of fun.

Eloise is New York's most beloved Children's character,
with dolls, stickers, and toys
designed after her.
She came to life in two television movies that
chronicled her antics and showed us exactly who she is.

She is Eloise. And she is six.
You can stay in her room at the Plaza, if you wish.
Designed in oodles of pink,
in 2010, Betsey Johnson brought to life the iconic setting for
the character created by Catherine Louise Fink.
Hillary Knight is the illustrator who brought Eloise to life.
Without his drawings, Eloise might not be the same
little girl at the Plaza who rose to fame.

She is Eloise. And she is six.
She has a turtle, Skipperdee, and a dog, Weenie
she proclaims looks like a cat.
She lives at the Plaza. And she loves the color pink.
She'd love you to become acquainted with her,
so give her books a read, and
Meet Eloise.

Meet Eloise: an original poem by Danielle Sutton

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